
Vitality and Innovation Rooted in Tradition

Warwyck House, a 19th century edifice, is a remarkable example of the colonial architecture that was introduced by French settlers shortly after the Dutch had left the island. Like most Mauritian historic buildings, it was originally conceived as an elegant plantation house with high ceilings and shaded wrap-around verandas that were designed to keep residents cool and dry.

On the estate surrounding the historic house, the Warwyck Group operations are conducted in a 500-square meter contemporary building. The new building combines modern architecture with classical elegance, allowing a harmonious contrast with the original wooden colonial building and the lush tropical garden. This is a comfortable and inspiring environment for a growing number of qualified professionals who focus on providing you with a high quality personal service.

This blend of aesthetics, combining strength of tradition and fluidity of modernism, reflects the philosophy adopted by the group in its operations.

We utilize both proven and advanced methods to efficiently manage your wealth while simultaneously taking full advantage of the latest innovative technologies Le bâtiment administratif and techniques.