How to

Please note that our funds are open to expert investors* only. 

We advise you to take the assistance of a Financial Advisor to plan and invest your hard earned money.

*An Expert investor is an investor that makes a minimum initial investment for his own account in an amount of not less than USD 100,000.

Have a question? Contact our dedicated team.

Disclaimer: This document is provided for information purposes only. It does not constitute an offer, or a solicitation of an offer, to purchase or sell any investment or any specific product of Warwyck Phoenix VCC. Investors are reminded that past performance does not guarantee future performance. The price, value or income of the investment can fluctuate according to market conditions. The Fund has assets denominated in various currencies and is, therefore, exposed to the risk that the exchange rate of these currencies may change in such away that it has a material effect on the reported values of the fund's assets. Investors are advised to consult their professional advisors before making any investment. Warwyck Phoenix VCC disclaims all liability as regards to any direct or consequential loss arising from any use of this document or the information contained therein.